Sunday 26 May 2013

Sky high, Jam mart Clothing

I really like sky high and iv'e won a couple great prizes in it ( comment what you have won) some of the best things i have won in it are : heart lockets, mech angel wings , rare spiked hair , rare cat hat and some more that i have forgotton :3 :)   Last week i was going to try to win as many times as i could without losing and i made it 9 times but the tenth time my mum started talking to me and distracted me :( 

When i want to talk to my buddies and its monday and the rare is in jam mart clothing they are always in the actual shop but you can buy things from jam mart without actually going to the shop-

1. click on the picture of your animal in the bottom left hand corner 
2.Step the shop button
3. Then the shop is open :)  

Some of you might already know this but i always see people in the shop

Shop Away!!

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