Scammers Hackers Mean Jammers!

Here i will put a list of scammers and hackers to beware of and mean people that should be reported

Scammers :

QUINN3344 - attempted to scam golden mummy glove
pandalover22304 - attempeted to scam , but her father may have passed away and i think she was just sad and angry when she attempted
jafar112 - 3 coloured gloves , mech angel wings - 4 phantom statues - rare bow and arrows -
freedom wings
toothless10 - pretending member wings were scary wings


Mean jammers:

XxrarevampirexX - Saying that all members are idiots
wightbunny123   - pressuring jammers into giving him codes
api3007 - yelling at people to give him a bow and arrow


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