Friday 31 May 2013

diamond shop

diamond shop - yay or nay?

So you should watch this video of snowyclaws reveiw of the diamond shop
Remember those colours and make sure you dont get scammed !

~scottbot3000             snowyclaw

Moon hat

 In the summer carnival there is a new item! a moon hat non member- 4000 tickets


Thursday 30 May 2013

Sun hat, Pet Rollar Coaster New Gem Code!!

In the summer carnival there are 2 new items :

Pet Rollar Coaster - 2500 tickets
 Sun hat - 4000 tickets
There is a new 1000 gem code :



Ok so AJ has made the worst move ever!!

This is so bad and i hate it and i hope many of you will agree with me
So the diamond store is a special new shop where you can buy OLD MEMBER GIFTS!! So you might be thinking that this is so awesome but its not its just so unfair , people have paid ACTUAL MONEY! to buy these things and now you can just get them for logging on -.-  and you can also get artic wolfs, snow leopards and lions from diamonds! again so unfair people have paid MONEY for these!! I am think that animal jam should give a full refund to jammers who have bought these with money. I am so angry :(

So the things they sell at this stupid shop are :  Snow Leopard 10 diamonds - Artic Wolf 10 diamonds - Lion 10 diamonds- Fox Pet 6 diamonds - Monkey Pet 6 diamonds -  Elf Tail Armour 4 diamonds - Legendary Gloves 3 diamonds - Phantom Invasion Game 4 diamonds - Rainbow Cloud 3 diamonds - Lightning Cloud 3 diamonds - Giant Artic Wolf Plushie 1 diamond - Giant Snow Leopard Plushie 1 diamond - Giant Lion Plushie 1 diamond

you can trade in : 1 diamond for 1000 gems - 4 diamonds for 5000 gems - 7 diamonds for 10000 gems - 10 diamonds for 15000 gems

The only way i know to get diamonds are by logging on and getting the diamond on the daily spin and  you get 1 every week

It is really hard to get in the shop, usually there are lots of jammers waiting outside the door trying to get in, and when you get inside AJ asks you every minute if you're still playing even if your doing something.

Worst thing ever to happen to AJ

But the music is good :3


Monday 27 May 2013

Rare Angle Wings!

Todays rare is Rare Angel Wings! -750 gems- jam mart clothing-


Sunday 26 May 2013

Sky high, Jam mart Clothing

I really like sky high and iv'e won a couple great prizes in it ( comment what you have won) some of the best things i have won in it are : heart lockets, mech angel wings , rare spiked hair , rare cat hat and some more that i have forgotton :3 :)   Last week i was going to try to win as many times as i could without losing and i made it 9 times but the tenth time my mum started talking to me and distracted me :( 

When i want to talk to my buddies and its monday and the rare is in jam mart clothing they are always in the actual shop but you can buy things from jam mart without actually going to the shop-

1. click on the picture of your animal in the bottom left hand corner 
2.Step the shop button
3. Then the shop is open :)  

Some of you might already know this but i always see people in the shop

Shop Away!!

river race, returning beta , new items , dr brady , leaving animals, new polls, name the sidekix , sparkles and gems

So i discovered that in Jamma Township the old game River Race is back! I only discovered River Race a few weeks ago and im so happy that it has returned! sadly its not in stores yet.

So another beta has returned , green lawn chair , so this is more evidence that AJ are making the betas go back in stores :( still i dont know if i should get rid of my betas.

I havent been on aniaml jam for a while so there are a couple new items -  kelp skirt - underwater -350 gems-  ( green ,red , blue , orange , pink , purple yellow and white ) 

green lawn chair  -150 - green black blue purple pink red orange and yellow 

football helmet - 450 gems - sports jersey - 500 gems -  aqua purple red green black purple pink purple ( 3 different types of purple)

There is a awesome new thing to do on animal jam : Dr Brady's Expeditions! Its cool you can win prizes, choose what happens and its a little bit funny.Its basically just videos that you watch and you choose what Dr Brady does. Every couple of videos you can win a prize. The prizes are : snake throne ,snake pennent and spider hammock , the pennent and throne come in different colours ( the colours iv'e discovered are -black , blue red throne - pink , black blue pennent) . sadly you can only win the prizes once per account :(  To go on Dr Brady's expedition you have to go into Bradys Lab and click on the map on his desk. The Expedition is just about Dr Brady finding big snakes.

Giraffes, Rhinos and Elephants have sadly gone ''traveling''. I hope they come back soon

There are some new polls in Animal Jam about what new things you would like to see in outfiitters.

There is a new compitition on The Daily Explorer. You get to name the sidekix's! This is pretty bad i think because there is no real point to it...  It wouldn't be that bad if the names were stitched on the animal  but i'd really hate that because what if someone chose a really bad name?

I don;t know if it's new or not but i noticed that in the shops that there is a gem picture next to the price of the item and i think that there are new sparkles on the items

Tuesday 21 May 2013

rare item monday , new fruit hat

So my first rare item monday post!!!!

Todays rare monday item is a rare blue beret ( ber-rae )  

Todays new item is a fruit hat  - underwater :( -   normal   red purple blue pink orange purple black -


Sunday 19 May 2013

scammers ( Doesnt deserve a capital )

This post is about scammers.Scammers are bad :( so i will post every scammer who i have seen on here and what they have scammed and you can comment a scammer and what they have  scammed and i will add it to the list

smartypants2349  : tail armour, rare lion, fox hat
QUINN3344 : attempted to scam golden mummy glove

i cant remember any more right now so when i remember i will add them
Don't forgot to comment!


Saturday 18 May 2013

Invisible Jammers!

So i was doing the usual in the township - stalking people, trading - and i noticed this:

weird right?  it might seem like this person is a scammer but dont report them , he had a golden phantom on trade and i traded him a fruit bowl and he declined then sent it too me! So now i have 3!



So this is my official first new ( this one is not really ''new'' ) item post!

Today the beta lei's returned :(  in Jam Mart Clothing. They are the same colours as before ( i think ). These are very cool items and i am happy and sad to see their return. Its good that new jammers will get to exprience it but its just unfair to jammers who already had these ( same to jammers who had fox hats )

 i have added a yellow one to my artic wolf

It is my opinion that AJHQ is going to bring all the betas back so it might be best to get rid of them now , It might not be true but ....

~ scottbot3000

My New Blog!

hey jammers! this is scottbot3000 and this is my new blog! ( obviously :3 ) so yeah
I will post all the monday rares , new things happening in jamma , glitches ,scammers and just about everything happening in animal jam!

p.s i do do ( :3 dodo) mailtime and every jammer who sends me anything will be mentioned on the blog!
